Tuesday, May 18, 2010


So, here I am blogging for the first time and don't know what to wright about nor do I even know what blogging is. I will just start with who I am. My name is Justin Cross and I know a lot about the supernatural. Not the fake supernatural like the stuff you see on ghost hunter shows that get there information from fantasy movie like willow and Charmed, but true supernatural such as how ghosts really work, what they really are, and how to get these things to leave us alone. I am also a truck driver and love drilling for oil. I I think I like these two things so much because I was never aloud to go to school as a child and was locked up in my room my whole life so when I am out driving far or drilling someplace far away, I feel free from my past and my awful parents.
I am also a very peaceful person. It takes alot to get me to fight but there is a good chance I will still try not to hurt somebody. The only time I have had to hurt someone was one of the times somebody tried to kill me. I love life and love to love people. I do not like to hurt people, but I do understand that at times it is very necessary. This brakes my heart. I do not want to blog anymore for now. bye.